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It's been a strange couple of weeks, but progress is going well for V0.12. There will be a large event in this version, similar to the party event before, but this time focusing on Claire and Amy for Claire's birthday! Amy won the poll, so she will be the focus of the update, which is why she is included in the birthday event, even though it's an event for Claire, Amy will feature heavily.

We'll also be seeing some more of the characters we met last update, with further progress on the main story with Serena and Phoenix. I'll be polling a couple of new content themes soon (I meant to get them out sooner as I mentioned in the first progress update, but I hadn't quite decided on what options to provide), which will actually decide how one of the stories connected to the main story progresses. It may or may not include a content type that a lot of people have been asking for. 

I'm hoping that I'll be getting the first beta out this week, but I also have some things to do with RL, one of which involves having to go for blood tests. Anyone that knows me knows I despise needles, so that day will be a complete write off in terms of getting work done. So while I aim to get the beta out this week, it's not set in stone. It depends how quickly I get everything else sorted. 

Finally, I released the first preview images of V0.12 a few days ago, but the settings on them were messed up, so anyone on a tier higher than $5 couldn't see them. That's now fixed, so if you saw the images and had that problem, you should now be able to view them!


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