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You know sometimes you just shouldn't say things, because then it's definitely not going to happen? Well that happened with moving in a couple of days. It should have been simple, but we got internet installed and it didn't work. So now we have to wait for an engineer to come out. On top of that, two sofas we were meant to be getting, were sold to someone else so I've had to run around all over finding replacements while organising people to move them as I don't own a van.

Add onto that two trips to IKEA because IKEA lied about not having things in stock when actually they did and then one thing they said was in stock actually wasn't, so that had to be delivered. BUT because of the internet, we delayed moving, so no-one would be in when they said they'd deliver, so that's now been pushed back another week.

All in all, it's been chaos and I've still not actually moved. Hopefully, internet should be getting fixed tomorrow and I'll be able to move into the property towards the end of the week. Why am I telling you all of this? Because obviously I've been busy as hell which unfortunately has meant that I've not been able to work as much on the game. I did finish the Amy scene I was working on, so at least that is done, but I should have done far more than I managed to do this last week.

Which all in all means that the next beta is going to be delayed until next month with the full release not likely to be until towards the end of next month. I dislike delaying releases, but this is one of those situations where I just can't do much about it unless I released things with far less content than planned.

Anyway, next time I say something should be simple, tell me to shut up...


Julian Harper

No problem, these things happen, and moving is never fun! I hope things settle back to normal soon!

Florida Man

Haha good luck with all that. Its no problem. Life happens. Love the game so definitely worth the wait.


Murphy's law: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong".


Don't worry about a thing here, focus on your move and it'll all get done soon enough!