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Normally, I would be putting up a poll around now or shortly after the latest update goes live to the public to decide who should be the focus of V0.8. This time though, I'm not going to be doing that. Why? Because V0.8 is going to be a little different update wise. So far each update has been smaller individual story events for each character. Usually a minimum of 3 for each, with 5-6 for whoever won the poll.

V0.8 instead will have a much larger event happen that will take most of the development time. All characters will still get additional content, but this one event will take up a majority of the new content that will be added in this update. I'm not going to give away what the event is just yet, but the first preview of V0.8 will be coming up soon, which might tell you what the event involves.

Don't worry, there should be something for everyone in the event, but I feel this is necessary to allow further stories to be told in the future. Also yes, if anyone was wondering, I did in fact say I would  be taking this week off, but well what can I say, I enjoy working on the game! I will be taking a bit more time to myself to just relax and chill out, getting this last update out within a month was a lot of time and effort. Something I can't sustain long term.

So I'm going to tentatively say now, V0.8 won't be available until March. The upside of that though, is it should be a big update when it does arrive! There will be betas at some point, but right now it's farrrrr to early to say when they will be ready.


Julian Harper

As long as Amy gets a look in I’ll be happy :)


I'd like more Katie but what ever is cool loving it so far can't wait to see more