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So, it's been a fun couple of weeks. As some of you may be aware I recently came out of a long term relationship. On top of this I've been super ill, which I've since recovered, but now I have new things to contend with. I've got a minor medical procedure next week, my car is currently broken and I have an appointment about my health and benefits as well (I have been signed off work for a while now and get by on benefits which I may potentially lose if this appointment doesn't go well).

So as you can imagine, I am under a lot of stress right now. Which means I haven't had as much time to work on the game as I would like. Life seems to like to hit you all at once and I've had to put my own health and sanity first and use more of my free time than I usually would to just relax and keep my head above water.

As such, the beta I had been planning to release this week, is going to be delayed. Unfortunately because of all of the above, next week will be extremely busy as well. So unless I manage to find a bit of time and feel up to it to get it finished and out next friday, the beta will hopefully be releasing the friday after (25th).

All of this is also why I have been quieter on Patreon and Discord than I would like. I had planned to run a poll, as well as post some previews, but haven't had the chance. So if you've been wondering why there has been so little posted, hopefully that explains things. That all said, once all this stuff is out of the way, I should be free and far less stressed, which means I will get back into development full swing and try to catch up what I can.

The end result of all this may be that the update is slightly smaller than I had originally planned, or the final release may be delayed a while, as if there is not enough content, I would rather delay than release something I am unhappy with. For those of you that have stuck around and still support me via Patreon, I am extremely thankful and grateful for you, the extra income is a massive help and means more to me than I can say!



Do what you got to do, I'll continue supporting as long as I can PT! Don't rush just to meet a deadline, quality over quantity