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So, the dust has settled after the chaotic release of V0.5, with three uploads in 24 hours to fix bugs people discovered. Unfortunately, despite being tested by myself and my Patreons a few big ones slipped through. After figuring out what was causing the bugs, I realized what had happened. A couple of flags for content near the start of V0.5 were checking for exact values, rather than exact or great than. This meant anyone continuing from an old save had only minor issues, as they were reaching content in the order it was released. Unfortunately, anyone continuing an older save or starting a new game could easily hit the bugs if they hit things in the wrong order. Which is why none of my Patreons had the issues, nor did I even with a new save as I knew what order to do the content in.

That all said, I finally got it all sorted. The good thing was, none of the bugs required any renders, so I've been able to get started on the new ones for 0.6 and have already completed the first scene of the update. Which actually turned out to be a quite long scene with Amy, which I'm sure Amy fans out there will be happy with.

As for other content in 0.6, I'm aiming to add repeatable events for each character. This is something I've wanted to add for a while and has been requested quite a few times after this update. I think the game is at the point now where repeatable events are required to give people things to do while they wait for the right time/day to continue story events, rather than just napping or sleeping for days at a time. 

These events will be short, non story events. Such as hanging out with Claire and listening to music. Of course, they will have lewd options, because well that's what we're here for. The plan is to have the events basically allow you to repeat actions you've already had. So if you've had a blowjob from a character, that'll be an option and then later if you do something new, that'll unlock as an option too. 

Now, I do want to get story content added in as well. Currently Katie is winning the poll so it looks like she'll be the focus of the update. That does mean though that other characters may only get one or two events (I've been aiming for 3 for most characters in previous updates) as adding multiple repeatable events and that amount of story content for each character would take a long time. 

So with that all said, V0.6 will be a while away. I will be trying to get Betas out as and when I think they are required, with the first one likely to be released sometime early next month if all goes to plan. 

Oh, on a final note, I also have converted all the images in the game to a new format making them much smaller with no real noticeable loss in quality. This means the image folder is now only 400Mb instead of 2Gb, meaning easier faster to upload and download. Which is great for me to upload new builds quickly and far better for those of you on slower or limited connections!



Excellent stuff! Sounds like your getting the hang of this game better with every update. Take your time & make it the best you possibly can. The reoccurring events is gonna be great. Releasing small betas will also allow us to give you updates on bugs beforehand so you don't release a big updated loaded with bugs.


Hopefully, although I had betas of 0.5 and that did not work as planned haha