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For those that haven't seen, the first beta is out! You can find it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/v0-3-beta-1-109980811

Progress wise, things are going really well so far with this update. I'm managing to stay on track for what I want to create, which is a very nice change of pace after scrambling so much to get the last update finished around so many life events. The part of Meg's story for this update is done, which can be seen in the beta, that was a big one I wanted to get finished and was a lot of work. You'll see why once you play it!

Since the beta, I've continued on and managed to get quite a bit done. I've been working on story with Penny, the purple haired cultist. I've been wanting to tell more about her story for a while and we're finally at that point, so that's been a lot of fun for me to create.

I have decided that I'm not going to re-add the club in this update. It was one of my plans, but I'd rather add a good amount of content to it at once, than release it barebones. I'm still not 100% sure which events I want to add, so a bit more time to plan that out would be useful.

I've also had a lot of requests for the player to be able to free roam in the MC's female form. I'm debating adding this and will likely poll it and see what people want. If I did add it, I wouldn't add equivalent events to every scene the player can do as a male. For example, Bessie in the ice cream parlour (who now has a real mini welcome scene for seeing the player again after so long) would have no reason to have repeatable events with the MC's female form. It'd likely be limited to some events around the house.

I'll be putting out another set of preview images, as well as that poll, sometime this week if all goes to plan!


Skippy Hugo

I'd definitely like to see a freeroam in female form. I think it'd be interesting.

John Smith

not to be a pessimist but I think it'll win the poll, but then people will be upset by how limited it is