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Hi there, Science Team! We are working on exploring romance routes with male love interests, and we want to know what you’d like to see!

We are currently looking for ideas and expectations from you, our supporters, for what you would like to see from potential male romance/dating routes, both for the character below, and future male characters to be added.

What is this about?

You will be able to suggest what types of romance routes and dates you would like to see with male characters. Here is the current information for our upcoming first dateable male character:

The Bartender, the owner and lifeblood of a trendy bar in Virtual Little Tokyo, is renowned for his expertise in mixology and his knack for making people laugh. Though his customers often prefer simpler drinks, his passion for crafting unique cocktails never wavers. His sense of humor and vibrant character make his establishment a favorite hangout spot. More than just a bartender, he is a beacon of comfort and understanding for his patrons. His ability to empathize, paired with his talent for easing tension with humor, has earned him a special place in the hearts of his regulars. The combination of his rugged good looks and easygoing demeanor adds to his allure. Yet, beneath the laughter and charm, he battles his own struggles. He has a tendency to put others' needs above his own, leading to self-neglect. However, this issue has the potential to be mitigated with the loving influence of someone who can help him recognize the importance of self-care.

Brainstorm Guideline

We’ll be accepting responses through July 24th, after which we will discuss with the team and provide opportunities for further input and feedback, through additional brainstorms and polls.

Based on the likes your post receives, the likelihood of our team picking one of your suggestions will rise.

Be aware that in case any of your ideas already exist in the game design document, we might not be able to tell you why we did not pick your idea - even if it was a really really really good one.


Art Mood-Reference is from Sio, check out their work and give them a follow here: https://twitter.com/siomizu7777

Examples of suggestions:


“Dates to gather new ingredients for drinks; going to different restaurants for inspiration; quiet dates where the bartender opens up to you and building a trusting relationship where you can encourage him to take care of himself and feel that he can be vulnerable”


“Bodybuilder you go on gym dates with; a classic rpg sad twink you go on adventures with and bang the broodiness out of him; giant male oni you go on drunken chaotic crusades with; build a T1M a body and program it to know exactly what you like and how you want to fuck



Bunny Waffles

So just to be clear, the Bartender is Totally-Not-Taka right?


I mean y’all got the art, having Taka wouldn’t be a *bad* idea lol


Hmmmm for some reason when I think bartender I think along the lines of gruff older gent (early 40s) who has seen some stuff in his youth like P5 Sojiro


I'll admit, I did not expect male romance options, but it's honestly nice to see. I think a femboy bartender would be a fun alternate take on the role, since most bartender characters follow similar tropes. To make his personality feel a bit more unique, he could be a good listener who is a bit shy at first but opens up quickly (in addition to the idea you already described). Their route could involve them wanting to less quiet with new people so they feel more welcomed in the bar. As for the lewd traits, making him embarrassed by his surprisingly-large cock is always a good option. For a little role-reversal, the 'handsome, rugged' type normally in the bartender role could instead be a waiter or chef, and they could joke about how people confuse the two.


Also, regardless of the type of character the bartender ends up being, I would love to see a few femboys in the game if you do add male romance routes in the future, as well as 1 or 2 more normal or nerdy types that don't just lean hard into the standard tropes. Most porn games tend to just stick with the handsome muscular male characters and similar stereotypes, so it's be nice for variety and help the game stand out amongst the crowd.


I think a fun date idea would be where you can practice making drinks for him maybe after closing hours of his bars. Has the possibility of flirting with him for example holding your hands while behind you as he teaches you how to do things such as straining and he can add some humor at the end by saying that your drink is awful but how he still loves it because it’s from you

Evangeline Athanasia

honestly, i think of a suave older guy when i think sexy barkeep. think sherlock or moriarty (fate g/o)


We can absolutely see that, but for this brainstorm our question is: What would you want to do with THIS barkeep? :)

Evangeline Athanasia

Initially, I'd say sad-drunk caring fuck. Like mc gets over something traumatizing and gets drunk, barkeeps sets them on the right path and spends a nice evening together. Then casual sexfriends without the hangup after


Love the idea of a bartender love interest, love his design and the chance of getting Taka to voice in the game


Character looks great but I do agree this game definitely needs to have a femboy character tho just to include everything lol