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Release Notes

ANBW 1.2.0 features the first look at 

  • World Exploration
  • Missions
  • Item Interactions.
  • Inventory Preview
  • Mouse Look ON/OFF

You will be able to freely walk around in the players real world home, discover a bit of history through object interaction and play through the first small example mission of the game.

Missions in "A nut between Worlds" are usually meant to get you from Point A to Point B in the current Story section you are playing.

For now we call these sections simply "Exploration". While you are on missions, you will be able to explore the already unlocked regions of the game world. Some will be smaller like the real world house, some will be larger like the upcoming Virtual Little Tokyo.

Art Contest

This month we are starting an art contest in order to allow the community to showcase their fan art within the player bedroom. You will see available open spots displayed with emissive numbers!

These numbers are going to be gone in the following bugfix release towards the mid of this month, while we are starting to populate the frames and posters over time.

Stay on the lookout on Melody´s Socials to learn more about the contest!

Known Bugs & Issues

  • Bloom is way too heavy by default

Currently we are using the UE5 integrated Engine Scalability Settings to determine with which quality settings bloom is getting displayed. To reduce the impact of bloom, especially in the dream scene, please go to Advanced Graphics Settings and put bloom quality to 4. This will heavily increase the visual fidelity of Melody inside the Dream Scene.

  • FSR2 Causes Crashes

FSR2 is a great tool to increase performance for any system you are playing on. Right now using FSR2 causes the game to crash after returning selecting any chapter scene after the first play-through. You can use FSR2 to boost your performance, just remember to make sure to limit it to a single play-through per usage, then restart the game and you can play again without any issues. We will keep an eye on this and hopefully FSR2 for Unreal Engine gets a long needed stability update sooner than later.

  • Outdated Drivers Cause severe Graphic Issues

If your drivers are not up to date, you might actually be able to play the game - but it will look very bad. Make sure to update your drivers to the latest and enjoy the splendid graphical fidelity of Unreal Engine 5!

  • Player flips position 180 Degree when pausing the game within Dialogues and Sex-Scenes (purely visual, does not persist into actual gameplay)
  • Object Interaction Rotation is a little bit fiddly (will get another quality pass in the future)
  • Weird Mirror in Bathroom (This is an early WIP we put in this time ONLY so you could see yourself when you have the horse mask equipped, will get another better looking update with time)




when i clicked the mega link says its deleted :(