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"Citizen! you're meant to be on the lookout for viruses... why are you staring at me like that...?!"

System 32 has a long history here at Big Bang Studio. We wanted to go back in time for a moment and show you how System 32 evolved into her final extra sexy form.

Early Concept Stages

Long before we announced the game we took a step back to experiment with the art style for the game. System 32 was our first test and as you can see she went through many, many concept stages - in order to get to "our" style.

Our core goal with this process was to make the highest quality hentai game ever. We wanted to push the art style of what a 3D hentai game is forward (into infinity!). 

Originally System was a very different character than today. At first, she had more of a badass mecha girl with giant floating combat hands to fight in combat. 

We were also experimenting with many different types of anime styles.

Systems first armour was cool felt very dramatic but it was not very functional for movement. We very quickly learned this in the first rigging pass, and went back to the drawing board. 

Following the first design we started thinking about a futuristic police / special op / secret agent design that a character could actually move around.

That lead us to a very interesting design below. At one point in time we even gave her a personalized T1m Bot called Bombot who had sort of a duel personality that would attach itself onto System's bag pack and transform into mecha arm weapons.

This design was very interesting but we went too functional this time and got sort of lost and fixated in the design function. Once we took a step back we realized while it was pretty interesting it wasn't sexy enough and we are making a hentai game after all!

And again, we went back to the drawing board to make something a little more sexy.

We actually took quite a break after the latest variant and returned around halve a year later to do the final pass on System 32.

This is the body concept art we developed.

We then worked on a 3D Concept to further solidify the concept and look of her.

We figured our that the clothing on this latest concept was a bit too revealing in comparison to our gameplay goals. We want you to unwrap the characters over time like a present and tell an interesting story in the process and she no longer felt like the special ops agent she was meant to be. We wanted a balance between sexy and a believable combat police officer!

That leads to The System you see today! 

Perfectly balanced as all things should be!

System as a character is more reserved and a daring tsundere!

Her mecha arms are now gone ad replaced with state of the art System HQ Anti Virus weapons or "V weapons" for short.

Now with out further ado lets us peel back our pantsu and reveal what System 32 looks like in engine as of today!

1.5 Years of Research Before and After (both in engine)

This definitely was a long time in the making! And we are not done yet! Right now we are still working away at tweaking her and making System 32 look as good as she can.

We really want to take a moment to thank our 3D artist Krisu who has been with us through this whole process working away in secret for years and helping create true next gen hentai. 

We are so very excited to show System 32, ours and her journey and show you how far we have come already. 

"Stay tuned for more Citizen!" 




I think the art style you developed is great and will fit nicely into the higher-tier game you wanna make. And system32 looks just lovely, can't wait to check off the list of sexy shenanigans while on a spec-ops mission with her. And post-mission too.

Fair Cat

These are awesome. Wouldve loved to see some of the 2d concepts prior to the illustration. <3


Yes, would love to see all the concept art, like an artbook you usually see in Collector's Editions.