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Happy Monday Science Team!

Last Monday of June, first Monday of Summer! Things are heating up as we push towards another build and the launch of our Steam page! (Get ready to fingerblast those wishlist buttons~)

The team's game plans:

  • Promo animation continued

  • Unarmed combat

  • Silica locomotion

  • Support the other programmers where needed.

  • Think removal of our references (The preloading of assets which increases memory usage) are getting pretty good currently making sure the remaining clean up is done so that NBW will be a lot lighter.

  • Working on a MassAI plugin on the side that will let us add new tasks for the crowd AI (Read more dynamic crowd system, where they react to environment and other character actions).

  • UI:

    • New Slider/progress bar which is not a slider right now, but just a progress bar.

    • Lust bar.


  • Procedural animation:

    • Head will get closer to the hands when the arms are completely straight.

    • Many tweaks to make it feel natural.

    • During the orgasm the participant's hips will shake.

  • Adudiodiodidudadah:

    • Plaps, insertions/removals, friction, and slimmy sound effects; all driven by the sandbox component. They have a proper sound class, and they're all meta sounds.

    • Orgasms and moans are also driven by the sandbox component through the character sound.

  • Manager:

    • Scenes are fully working.

    • It is driving the camera for adding some movement based on the motion of the leader hip.

  • Gameplay:

    • Added a new WIP stimulation & lust system. It is intended to be used in a kind of clicker game mode while in the sandbox. It consists of stimulating enough to cross the threshold that allows the lust to increase, when the lust is fulfilled, the orgasm is triggered.

  • Continue with debugging issues in main project going up to the end of Blair's lab prepping for next release

  • Full build test

  • Sub-Chapter 20 review

  • Sub-Chapter 21 First Draft

  • Comic scripting

  • Marketing

  • Aoi Moans

  • Silica Thrusts

  • Goddess Session

  • July scheduling

  • Cross promo marketing

  • Tease trailer working on

  • Steam page

  • More comic work

  • Aoi Modeling / Slowly UVing

  • Aki supervision

  • Possible Corrective Blendshape requests

  • Exploring current UI direction

  • Silica robotic torso drifting fix

  • Character mesh related fixes

  • Packaged build minor bug fixes

  • Preparing a build update for release

  • Continuing the quest for steam page approval. Status: its complicated :3

  • PBR and Lighting Update for the game to improve both performance and visuals of our Scenes

As always, thank y'all for coming along on this ride with us, and keep that feedback cummin~



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