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The top two proposals from the last vote were the Underground Baelnorn Sanctum and the Ancient Ruins Built Before the Elves. Those will join the winners of the first vote in the final round, along with the top two from this vote. As always, feel free to discuss your options in the comments. Good luck!

Diresquirrel proposes the nesting site of a large group of terror birds (giant, prehistoric murder emus).

Troy proposes a large henge of standing stones used by the elves for seasonal rituals, which has become hard to reach with the presence of the Dhasrans.

Jon proposes a large geoglyph similar to the Nazca Lines or the Cerne Abbas Giant, surrounding the entrance to an ancient barrow mound.

Jeremy proposes the caverns which were once the lair of a cult who worshipped the Demon Bears. The mysterious origins of the bears may be hidden here.

CH proposes a bottomless pit.

Odd proposes a village of pygmy centaurs who lay claim to the island's eastern foothills.


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