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So, the submarine map has become two submarines, one of which detaches from the other and can sail off on its own. I could explain all the ways in which that might be useful, but, at the end of the day, I did it because I thought it was cool. And I stand by that decision.

Also, the sub does have torpedoes. I don't think most people will actually want torpedoes, but I'm making versions with and without them. There will be a number of variants of this, including, as I said before, a spelljammer.

Anyway, just wanted to give you a look at where things are. If you've got any questions or thoughts about it so far, let me know!



Ethan, J.

Hey if you want an example for engineering in the Submarine to make it more realistic, you can base it off of the Ictineo II Submarine. A fully functional steam powered submarine built in 1864. It is a little known but incredibly advanced vessel for its time because on top of having many safety features at the time, the most ingenious part of the vessel was the fact the steam engine didn't use coal but instead a chemical reaction that produced oxygen. Just a suggestion for your design.

Ethan, J.

By the way for the detachable sub in the diagram I would instead make it a diving bell or a bathysphere for exploring depths where there is too much pressure for the main sub. But that is just me.


I appreciate it, but I'm going more more of a 20000 Leagues Under the Sea kind of submarine rather than something historical.