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This was intended to be the ship from Thanesridge Landing. But that ship was crap, so I redrew it. I like this much better. I will always redraw and rework a map rather than knowingly put out something that sucks, even if it takes a bit longer. Also, I'm going to replace the ship in Thanesridge with this one, but give me till tomorrow to get that done.

So, the map. Dwarves aren't known for their love of ships, but I felt like this is the kind of ship a dwarf would build. With a coal-fired steam boiler for propulsion, they don't have to worry about "learning to sail" or whatever. Just fuel it up and point it where you want to go. Which way is the wind blowing? Who cares. Plus, the burning coal makes it smell a bit like home.

I'd like to remind any DMs considering using this map that the ship's speed is entirely dependent on how hot the boiler can get. So if the party starts summoning fire elementals in the fuelbox, things could get pretty interesting. Of course, the ship is made mostly of wood, so hopefully they don't get too interesting. Anyway, something to think about.

Next up, I'll be drawing the next map for Tir Thelandira. This will be the map proposed by Shawn and voted for by patrons. It's called the Tower of the Moon and I'm imagining it like this: a round, wooden tower that snakes upward, curving and branching off in a few places. It'll be kind of like a large, hollow tree. I haven't drawn it yet, but it looks really good in my head.

Anyway, I think that's it. Let me know what you think of the ship!




Could I request a space version of this ship? I feel like it's perfect for a weird Dwarven forge-based spelljammer


I could change the background to a space one. If that'd work for you, let me know and I'll try to find the time to do it in the next few days.


It's done. I drew a spelljamming helm in there for you too. You can find the spelljammer version in the files for the regular version. Hope you like it!