Glaver's Regiment (Patreon)
So, let me start by acknowledging that Glaver's Regiment is maybe a little small for a regiment. It's really more like Glaver's Company. I hadn't realized that until I counted the beds and realized that there's only space for about 127 soldiers here. Let's chalk it up to attrition.
This map was inspired by the marching camps of Roman legions, who would build a defensive stockade and dig a ditch around it whenever they made camp for the night. They were able to get this done in a few hours by bringing the wooden stakes for the walls wherever they went.
There are actually a few of these around today. Well, kind of. You see, when a legion stayed in one place for a while, they would reinforce their camp. Build towers, reinforce wood with stone, replace tents with buildings and so on. Some of those are still standing.
A few European cities actually originated as Roman forts or "castra." Castres in France is one example, as is any place in the UK with a name ending in -caster, -cester or -chester. There are quite a few of those, which suggests that the English were a fairly rowdy bunch in the ancient times. And the Great Wall of Scotland tells you everything you need to know about Rome's issues with the folks to the north.
Next, I'll be drawing a city map based on a real place: Laon, France. It's a walled town with a cathedral, a palace and a templar church. Here's a photo. It's a classy place and I think it'll fit right into a fantasy setting. After that, I'll be back to work on Tir Thelandira.
Well, that's it for now. Let me know what you think of the map!