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We've got two final candidates and I'm glad they're both proposals from people who are still currently patrons. That saves me from having to send someone a map, tell them that I drew the thing they proposed to the Cartographic Congress three years ago and fill them in on exactly how and why that happened. That feels like a lot of typing.

Anyway, here are your proposals:

(11th CC): MacTorg proposed a small keep between two cliffs, walling off a mountain pass.

(46th CC): Wagner proposed a Venetian-style palace by a canal, with gondolas passing by. This would be in a gothic or dark fantasy style.



Amazingly tight for the 50th runoff. Edge of my seat! Like the Olympics, it's an honour to have even been in the running


Yeah, both votes are neck and neck this month! I wasn't expecting Hohenzollern to get knocked out of the other vote despite being in the lead on the first ballot. That used to happen all the time, but it's been pretty rare lately.


I'm calling the vote for the keep, congrats to MacTorg!