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This is the map chosen by patrons in the Black Loch Conclave: a drow outpost in the roof of the Black Loch. This map is complicated to say the least, so let me break it down for everyone.

The Black Loch is a small sea in the underdark. There's a large hole in the roof of the loch's cavern, leading up to a sea on the surface. The hole, known as the Great Breach, is about 100 meters wide, with water constantly pouring down the sides.

The falling water does not fill the breach completely, however. There is enough space for an airship pilot-- a talented airship pilot-- to maneuver a vessel down the center. Not many places in the underdark are accessible by airship, but the Black Loch, very unusually, is.

So, this map is a surveillance outpost located at the bottom edge of the Great Breach. It's used by the drow to track the comings and goings of airships. The drow also have a hangar here, in which they keep their own airship, known as the Duskfall.

TL;DR: It's a spy outpost at the bottom of a giant waterfall in the underdark, where the drow keep their airship. I hope that doesn't sound as insane to you as it does to me.

Anyway, you may have noticed that this map has a map of an airship inside it. I'm going to take a day or two to make a separate map of the airship next. You may need it if you bring your players here, because, let's be honest: they're going to steal it. Seriously, no matter who your players are or what kind of game you're running, your party has a one hundred percent chance of stealing that airship, or at least trying to. I honestly can't imagine a party that wouldn't. Still, if that's a problem for you, it can always be a broken airship.

Well, that's about it. Out of twenty ideas for a new location in the Black Loch, this is the one you chose. I hope you all like what I did with it. Anyway, let me know what you think!



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