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The kuo-toa get no respect. I don't mean from lorebooks, I mean from DMs. When you're writing an underdark campaign and you need a powerful empire, who do you think of? The drow, sure. The illithids, of course. Maybe the duergar. But the kuo-toa? No, those are trash enemies for random encounters. I mean, sure, sometimes they play a significant role in a story, but they hardly ever take center stage.

Well, the kuo-toa of the Black Loch aspire to a little more than jumping out of the water and getting decapitated by your half-orc barbarian. They've got plans to take over the loch and subjugate the other races. Including your precious drow.

The plan is crabs. Siege crabs. Crabs the size of your house with carapaces a foot thick. Walls don't save you from that. Soldiers don't save you from that. Running for your life? That might do it.

The kuo-toa have been breeding siege crabs in the caverns below the Eel's Maw Stronghold for decades and, as soon as the next brood reaches maturity, they'll be ready to kick things off. The kuo-toa intend to move up in the world, or at least wreak enough havoc to take everyone else down a peg or two.

Next up, I'll be drawing another map from the Black Loch. This will be a battlemap for the drow city of Vlyn'darastyl. It'll be a few streets with some houses and shops. Nothing too fancy, just something that'll make a good backdrop for encounters in the city. I don't expect it to take too long.

By the way, I thought I'd give away the DM notes for this map, so you can download those here. Also, here are some siege crab tokens and a trebuchet token I made.

Well, that's it for now. Let me know what you think!

Download from Google Drive here (under NEWEST PATRON CONTENT).



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