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Here's a fun fact about the Cartographic Congress: there was no 1st Cartographic Congress vote. And there wasn't really a second, either. When the first happened, there was only one member of the Congress, so I just asked what he wanted a map of. And, during the second, there was only one proposal. I did hold a vote, but this is what the ballot looked like. Things have come a long way since then, haha.

Anyway, on to this month's proposals:

Senator Parker and Senator Jon propose the Infected Citadel, a dwarven fortress whose lower reaches have been tainted by the Far Realm. The upper level is relatively normal, but things become more bizarre and warped toward the bottom as the Far Realm begins to pervade reality.

Senator Shawn proposes an inn built over a set of cascading waterfalls, with a dragon's lair concealed behind the falls.

Senator Adam proposes  a medieval Seljuk (Turkish/Persian) city with Seljuk-style architecture. This city would be at the crossroads of a major river system, with a large spire or citadel in the middle. This would be a city map, not a 5-grid battlemap.

Senator AN7 proposes a sketchy, goblin-run gambling hall.

Senator Morgan proposes a large, public city market.

Senator Big Fan proposes a map of the Red Scab and the Bleeding Citadel from the module Descent Into Avernus.

Senator Chaan proposes a beholder lair, featuring vertical passages for the levitating orb that dwells there.


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