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I spent yesterday and today making a bunch of stuff to help you run naval battles in the Black Loch. Most of it is in the picture above. There are nine ship tokens, plus two tokens of the loch's resident sea creature, the Whisperer. One of the tokens shows the Whisperer clearly and the other is just a dark shadow under the water to freak your players out with.

There are also four maps that are mostly water. Since I want to get started on the next Black Loch map, I decided to keep this fairly simple, so all the water maps are basically just the map above, cropped in different ways. They're nothing fancy, but they'll let you run naval battles in the loch without having to use a sea map that looks like a sunny day in the Caribbean.

Anyway, with that done, I'm going to get started on the Submerged Temple, a kuo-toa holy place in the Black Loch. I'm thinking it'll be partly above water, but mostly below. Maybe like a pyramid with the tip above water? I'm not sure, I'll figure it out after a few sketches.

There's one other thing: I'm unable to continue updating the EncounterPlus module with new maps. I'm sorry to those of you who use EncounterPlus, but the program I use to export the module hasn't been working properly, possibly due to a conflict with a recent release of Foundry. If things change and I can start updating the module again, I promise that I will. Until then, I'm really sorry.

Also, I mentioned in an earlier post that I'm planning to hold a vote of all patrons for a new Black Loch location. I'll post about that in a day or two and send out a call for proposals for locations to add to the loch.

Okay, I'm gonna start sketching that temple. I hope you like the naval battlemaps! Are they the most boring maps I've ever made? I think they might be, haha.

Download from Google Drive here (under NEWEST PATRON CONTENT).




Generally an extremely necessary map that will be valuable (as I cross it off my list of things to propose for the next poll). But you got a shadowy monster token for us to freak out the players with when they see it move around the board instead of "of cute, just some flavor on the map?" With my players and their nerves.....oh this is going to be fun.


Yeah, I was thinking about how much fun it'd be to have that dark shadow follow the PCs around for a while. Then it disappears. Then it's back. Then it disappears again. Then they have INSANE dreams that night.


It’s happening. Wasn’t planning on The Whisperer being a part of this campaign more than a distant background element but…..that’s far too much fun to pass up.