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I hope everyone had a good Christmas, or a good Saturday, as the case may be. I certainly did and I'm still recovering from it, so I'll just go ahead and get to the proposals. I'll leave the vote open for around 5 days, since a lot of people have stuff going on at the moment:

Senator Rosamund proposes a minotaur's labyrinth.

Senator Fraz-Urb'luu proposes a demonic throne room with a fountain of blood and a fighting pit.

Senator AN7 proposes a map of the estate of a drow noble family, House Cull'Thaine. This is one of the ruling families of the city of Vlyn'darastyl in the Black Loch.

Senator Reginald proposes a giant's keep, abandoned and then reclaimed by goblins or kobolds, who have built small bridges, homes and defenses throughout it.

Senator Morgan proposes an Indian Rajput fortress, similar to Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur.

Senator MacTorg proposes a stone village with a nearby standing stone complex and barrow tomb, in the style of ancient Ireland.

Senator Dezzicus proposes the Acropolis of Athens.


Matt Prigge

Super stoked to see more Black Loch stuff!