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This is the most grim, surreal place I could come up with. While it's meant to be an estate on the Plane of Shadow, I think it could be good for a nightmare or someplace in hell.

People always depict hell with fire and lava and, you know what? That's just not scary. When I send my players to hell, I want them to be soaking their pants. Will a statue of an eyeless, obese man vomiting blackish liquid into a basin accomplish that? I don't know, but I'd say it'll make them more uncomfortable than molten rock.

I don't have much of an explanation for the strange things in this map and I don't think there needs to be one. This stuff doesn't necessarily need to be interactable, it can just be decor. Personally, I wouldn't give my players an explanation of anything here. This is a place you send your players when you want them to be scared and people are more scared when they don't understand what's going on. Whose head is this? You don't know. What's this dark liquid? You don't know. What do these symbols represent? You don't know.

And then there's the top floor. I meant for it to look like reality was falling apart, but there are plenty of other things that might be going on there. I think having the party fight a giant, writhing mass of eyes and teeth would be a nice way to cap things off.

Anyway, next up is the Deepspire, a fortress city in the seas of the Underdark, carved into the sides of a massive column of rock stretching from the sea floor to the roof of the cavern. I'm not sure how big this will be, but it'll probably be close to what I'd call a megaproject. I'll be posting it level by level, so you'll get it one piece at a time until it's finished. Once I've got it planned out a little more, I'll have more details for you.

One last thing: before I got started on this map, I said that if it didn't make Warhammer 40K look like My Little Pony, it would be a failure. That might've been setting the bar a bit high, but, well, how'd I do?

Download from Google Drive here (under NEWEST PATRON CONTENT).




Absolutely love this. Well done sir.


No problem, thanks for proposing it! Drawing someplace surreal had a certain freedom to it. Like, what should I draw in the corner of the living room? Giant, four-eyed demon head? Sure, there we go. No rules whatsoever, haha.