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There were two experimental things I did with this map and one of them seems to have gone over well, while the other didn't. A few patrons let me know, which I appreciate, since it helps me make decisions about stuff like this in the future.

Anyway, I made an alternate version without the tunnels for the patrons' edition maps in case anyone really didn't like the original one and I figured I should give it out to non-patrons as well. My patrons seem to prefer this one and, in general, I assume that my patrons and non-patrons are likely to have similar opinions about my work. I'm not big on gating off content and I want everyone to have a version of this map they can use.

The other thing included here is the tunnels. These are a VTT token, but they're printable too. The idea was that they could be placed in a hidden layer-- either under the path or off to the side-- then revealed when the players get in and make their way down into them.  Or, if you're printing the map, you could cut them out as an overlay or keep them as a separate page.

Anyway, I hope this is more useful to you! I'm gonna try to get all those things I talked about in the last post done today, so I'd better get to it.




It’s for things you do like this that make you among (if not absolutely) my favorite content creators. I’ve messaged before extensively about how much I admire you choosing to make content available for free, and I feel I need to say so again now. Preemptive apology for the long comment - There were times that I could not afford such incredible works like this and I felt like I wasn’t providing enough to my players. A game that theoretically has no significant costs to play became expensive fast for me to do what I wanted and it made me feel lacking. I just wanted to be a broke college student who could play games with my broke college student friends. I’m no longer in that situation and can now afford to support creators like yourself, but I’ve personally made the choice to support creators who I feel really better the community as a whole and make so much available to those who cannot otherwise afford it. I am yet to interact with a creator who produces the quality that you do with such a high care for the community when it almost certainly comes at a loss of revenue. Great work and massive kudos.