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So, look, a lot of people are stuck indoors for a while and getting bored out of their minds. There's not much I can do about that, but what little I can do, I want to. So I'm giving away all the patron content for this map for free and I'm doing the same for every map I make next month as well. I may keep doing it for longer, I don't know. I just decided to do this five minutes ago and a month seems like as much as I should commit to on the spur of the moment. Anyway, hopefully it helps some people stay occupied for a bit. Everything is attached to the bottom of this post.

So, the map: Thorren's Cross is a small outpost in the mountains guarding a stone bridge. It could be garrisoned by soldiers or it could be a ranger outpost. I sort of had both in mind when I drew it.

The little caves on the bottom left are secret rooms. Instead of indicating them the normal way, I decided to leave them detached from the wall a bit in order to make them a little easier for DMs to hide.

Speaking of which: I made some alternate versions for you. Since not everyone will need the secret rooms, there's a version without them. There's also a version with the drawbridge raised. And if you don't want the secret rooms and you want the drawbridge raised? Well that's too bad.

I'm kidding, I made one of those too.

Thanks to Senator Adrian, who proposed this map to the Cartographic Congress. I've got two more Cartographic Congress maps to draw before I'm all caught up from the backlog created by Mont-St-Michel. After that, we're doing a big, fat chunk of Brazenthrone. Next up is a drow city on the edge of an underdark lake with a giant hole in the roof of the cavern that creates a huge waterfall from the surface sea above. Not many drow cities are coastal and accessible by airship. This one's a little different.

Here's the link to download all the content for Thorren's Cross from Google Drive.




Very generous of you and not at all surprising. Great work as always.


milby maps inspire me to the max!


Glad to hear it! Your profile picture next to the comment makes it seem REALLY intense, haha.