WARNING: Heartfelt Message - May cause some individuals to feel feelings. (Patreon)
So, today is Thank You Patrons Day, presumably created because some people don't thank their patrons enough. If I'm honest, that probably includes me. But I really do appreciate everything you all do for me. This isn't my dream job, it's better. Had I known that drawing D&D maps for a living was a thing I could one day aspire to, I'd have dreamed about it, but that was hard to imagine until recently.
My previous job was making coffee at the airport. I had to start at 4am. And now I get to use my imagination for a living. You have changed my life dramatically. It is a really big deal to me and I honestly cannot thank you enough.
I'm not doing anything special today. I spend around 60-70 hours a week working and I try to spend all of it drawing maps. So the thing I'm going to do today is work on the next one. It's the thing you're here for and I'm pretty sure you'll like it better than whatever else I could spend my time doing. Also, this thing is coming along at light speed. Inspiration came at me like a meth addict with a switchblade and after three days I've already got it drawn and partway inked. I might even get it done by Friday.
Well, if that's what I'm aiming for, I'd better get back to work. Thanks again for everything!