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The clanhalls are the family estates of Brazenthrone's high clans. High clans are basically the nobility of the Kingdom of the Twelve Mountains. You can read more about them here, if you're interested.

Clans are just extended families. Some clans only have a few members, while others have over a thousand. The clanhall is where the clan's patriarch or matriarch lives with their immediate family. Some of these are grand manors, while a few are barely bigger than the average commoner's home.

Regardless, the Noble Quarter is a pretty nice place to live. Unlike most of the city, it's built in a large, beautiful, natural cavern. The waterfall on the north end makes the air a bit more humid than other parts of the city, allowing mushrooms to grow naturally on the ground.

Of course, it's not all waterfalls and mushrooms. This was the epicenter of a major catastrophe not long ago.  I'll get into that in the DM notes and the next edition of History and Lore, both of which I'll put out when the Noble Quarter is finished.

All right, next up is last month's Cartographic Congress winner: a magical prison. Spellhold, Azkaban... something of that nature. Then we're coming right back to Brazenthrone to knock out the rest of the Noble Quarter, which will be two more floors. Or maybe three. We'll see.



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