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Since we're collecting everything now, here's a collection of all the DM notes so far. I'll be posting all the DM notes here from now on and I'll probably collect everything into a single .pdf every few months.

This is also where I'll be putting other random stuff that doesn't fit into the other categories, like map assets and so forth.




By the way, the next map is going to take a few more days. It's not the biggest map I've ever made, but it's definitely the longest. My camera is having issues, but I'll try to get you a photo. It's around 1 foot wide by 4 feet long (~0.3m x 1.3m) on paper. It's... I think you'll like it. I like it.

Tristram Wulfschlaeger

I know I'm really new here but I noticed that DiFlorio Keep doesn't have a DM Notes entry. Obviously we can just make up our own thoughts for the map but I am curious of your thoughts as the creator. Thanks.


Sorry, I nearly always write DM notes these days, but in the past I occasionally didn't when I didn't have much to say about a map. Anyway, Diflorio Keep is an Italian-inspired design, which was made for the Cartographic Congress. The person who proposed it wanted a destroyed keep, which he could have his players take over and fix up. I decided to make the fixed version for him as well, since I thought a pair of maps like that could be useful to a lot of people. In addition to fixing it up, you could start with it intact and destroy it or you could use it for a time travel scenario. That's about it, really. If there's anything else you want to know about it, feel free to ask.