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NOTE: If you use Roll20 but prefer a smaller file size, the Fantasy Grounds versions of the maps will work in Roll20. If you are using Fantasy Grounds Unity, most or all of the larger Roll20 files will work for you.

All VTT maps will be posted here. If you need to find your way to this post later, there will be a link under Featured Tags.

If you find anything missing from here, please let me know and I'll get it to you ASAP.



This is great... I had my laptop stolen (annoying) and its hard drive held my entire collection of GM resources... tokens, maps, etc (heartbreaking). I came to patreon to start the ardious process of finding and downloading all the maps again, and here they all are! You are awesome.


Man, sorry to hear about your laptop! I actually had my HD crash a while back and a lot of this stuff only got saved because it was on patreon! I still occasionally have to download some of my own stuff from here, haha.


How exactly do I import these as VTT files? I thought this was VTT ready but im not getting light of sight for anything.