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Let me save you a google search: a luthier is a person who makes stringed musical instruments. Like lutes. 

There will be one more level of Brazenthrone's Common Quarter, then it's on to the next chamber. I originally planned for this to be three levels and it looks like I managed not to go crazy and make it into some 800-floor monstrosity. Which leaves me feeling strangely both proud of myself and disappointed. Hmm.

So, in news you don't care about, I just bought new paper. AMAZING paper. If you're someone who makes fantasy maps that are so large you need huge-sized graph paper, this is what you're looking for: Rhodia. This one. I haven't drawn a map on it yet, but I've tested my pens on it and it is GLORIOUS. We'll see how much of a difference it makes in the end next time. Until then, back to work!

Google Drive Link 

EDIT: Holy crap, I forgot to upload the patron content. Feel free to slap me if I ever do that again.



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