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This map was chosen by the Cartographic Congress, based on the proposal by Senator Parker. Originally, I wasn't sure how I'd combine a castle and a lighthouse, but I really like how it turned out. 

Torchguard is built on a rocky outcropping in the middle of a harbor. This puts it in a good position to defend against attacks by sea, but it also makes it a thing that ships might run into at night. Thus, the lighthouse atop the keep. An array of artillery, as well as docks to host its own fleet, help Torchguard keep unwanted ships from marauding the surrounding city. 

Next up is Brazenthrone's Common Quarter. It's one of the bigger parts of the city and it'll take a little while to draw, but I'll give you some work-in-progress pics along the way. 

Also, something I wanted to share: the other day, I went to the dentist and I had to fill out a form, which had a space for "occupation." Writing "Fantasy Cartographer" on that line was one of the sweetest, most delicious moments of my life. I still can't believe I do this. My god. Thank you so much. 

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Great work Matt!!! can have lots of underground caves or other stuff if the lighthouse was on a pinnacle outcropping into the ocean. Awesome work!


Actually, I think the Necromancer's Corpse Farm could be interesting to put under Torchguard. And the story practically writes itself: https://www.milbysmaps.com/2018/10/11/the-necromancers-corpse-farm/