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This is the fifth and final ballot of the Great Vote. As before, the top two maps you choose will be drawn, you can vote for any number of maps, and if there are no clear winners, there will be a runoff. This vote will remain open until Saturday. To recap your choices:


  1. Mont-Saint-Michel – This will be as accurate a map as possible of the fortified island monastery of Mont-Saint-Michel. A little something French to class the place up. I’ve already promised to do this at some point, so it will happen eventually, but we can do it now.
  2. Halfling Town – A halfling community, partly above ground and partly below. Homes and shops built into the sides of a big hill, as well as on top of and beneath it. I’ll resist the urge to call it Brazenstool.
  3. Driftport – An island made from a large cluster of ships lashed together.
  4. A Heavily Built-Up Bridge – A large bridge lined with shops and houses on both sides. Something like the Ponte Vecchio, Krämerbrücke or Pulteney Bridge.
  5. College of Magic – This will probably be more along the lines of Winterhold (from Skyrim) than Hogwarts, but it actually probably won’t be much like either.
  6. Something Like PetraThis is Petra, an ancient city carved into a rock face. This won’t be an actual map of Petra, but something very heavily inspired by it.
  7. Raja’s Palace – There’s not a lot of Indian-inspired stuff in fantasy. We can change that. I’m not sure of the details, but there will be elephants.
  8. The Deepspire – A fortress city in the seas of the Underdark, carved into the sides of a massive column of rock stretching from the sea floor to the roof of the cavern.


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