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The medium category vote has ended and The Great Garden is a clear winner, with Airship of the Line and Aarakocra Village in second and third. Since the second and third were only separated by a single vote, we're going to have a runoff to decide between them.

Let the cartographic Thunderdome begin.

  1. Airship of the Line – This is no Century Pelican. This is a giant, flying murderblimp. Has multiple gondolas connected by rope bridges and is bristling with weapons.
  2. Aarakocra VillageAarakocra are avian humanoids. This will be a cliffside or mountain community of them, featuring various things unique to a community of people who can all fly.

This poll will stay open until Thursday.



Well, there's only one thing to do after a tied runoff: declare two winners. I'll be drawing both the Airship of the Line and the Aarakocra Village.