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Normally, when I finish a map, I just open up my ideas notebook and pick another to do next. This time, as soon as I picked it up, I realized that all those ideas were up for a vote and I couldn't draw them yet. So, I came up with this. 

This is something I thought would be an interesting place to run an adventure. I didn't have any particular sort of story in mind. Mainly I thought it'd make a unique lair for goblins, bandits or whoever else is getting their ass kicked this week. If you're using it as an uninhabited ruin, there's an alternate version without the bridges

There's no annotated version of this map because I didn't design the rooms with anything specific in mind. That's mainly because I don't think it matters much what the rooms used to be. It's an ancient ruin and they're all empty, so what they're used for depends entirely on what you decide is happening here now.

Anyway, I hope you like it! I always wonder what people will think when I do something weird like this, but usually the reaction is positive. Let me know what you think.

After this is the Pits of Justice, then I think I'll get started on Old Madeleine's Inn and Fighting Pit. That's an idea that's been in the book for a long time and I'm really glad you guys picked it.

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