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I'm giving out the DM notes for this map to everyone because I think they're pretty good and I want to share them. I didn't think I'd have too much to say about Delvers' Rest at first, but then it occurred to me that this would probably be the foulest-smelling place in the city. I won't explain the reason here, it's in the notes if you're curious. 

The next map is something I thought was an interesting idea. Do you remember the Buried Tower? That's not a map anyone was looking for before I drew it, but people seemed to like it and found ways to use it. The next map is a bit like that.  It's different, but I think you'll like it. After that is the Pits of Justice-- Brazenthrone's prison-- which is adjacent to Delvers' Rest. 

Anyway, here's the version of Delvers' Rest without the annotations. There's an expanded annotated version with the rooms of the numbered buildings marked available to patrons. 



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