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This is last month's Cartographic Congress winner, based on the idea proposed by Senator Wulfric. It's also the first map I've made with people in it. Dead people, sure, but still. By the way, if you don't want dead bodies in your iron mine, there's a corpse-free version here

This map has a built-in story, but is left open-ended. Some miners were hitting a rock with a thing, the rock broke and they found a cavern with... well, that part is up to you. 

Next up is Brazenthrone. Where are we going next? North to the Noble Quarter? South to the Anvil Quarter, Common Quarter or Grand Temple? No. We're going down. First, the Underdark Waystation, then the Pits of Justice, then the Underdark Trading Outpost. 

The first vote of the Great Vote will be in the next few days and will be open to all patrons. If you'd like a voice in what the next few months of maps will be, consider becoming a patron. 



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