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GOAL - 1500 USD

Pledges - 900USD 

First off big love for donating everyone. All of these donations go towards scanning a raw version of Vigilante. We are more than half way there.. This is what the scanner told me

my rates depend on how much material there is to scan. my base price is $20/min, my referral rate (which applies here) is $15/min, but if there is a good amount of material to be scanned, i can bring the rates down more. i include a raw track transfer and 1-lite color adjustment (mostly to counteract fade), sound is transferred in stereo and i can decode dolby a and sr at a small additional cost. if any further color or digital restoration is needed, i charge $60 per hour of work. i hope those are acceptable rates. thank you!

We have raised 635 dollars I am going to put 200 bucks out of my own pocked & then send the print so we are putting down the deposit & Which means we are almost more than half way there. The person who is scanning this Print is the same person who did Manhunter & the Keep. Actually Manhunter was rented from our Italian print. This ensures we are using the best scanner in the game

I will keep everyone in the loop as soonn as i send deposite and will give you step by step info as i get it... You guys are making this happen so I salute you ...
