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Hi Everyone,

I have something I want to announce about my Instagram account. This morning when I woke up, I can't log in to my Insta. Yes, for some reasons I think Instagram has deleted my account!

This makes me feel very depressed because there are a lot of photos and friends that precious to me on Insta.  I've tried to contact to Instagram about this problem, but I'm not pretty sure for how long can I get back my Insta account. :(
Because I can't use my Insta right now so I'll change to Twitter temporary. Please follow me on Twitter again.

--> My twitter: https://twitter.com/Rinzje2012

I'll try my best to get back my Instagram again.  I'm so sorry for this and thank you for supporting me <3

From Rinzje with love,




I love your Instagram I hope you can get it back xxx


Well that’s some bullshit... You haven’t posted anything that deserves that... I hope it was only a mistake.., 😱😭