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As both Surpassing the limits and Saiyan’s wives priorities are about to end I have realized that people could have thought about becoming a Patron the month any of the comics ends and see all pages for just one monthly payment...

I wouldn’t have nothing against that, but I feel like people that really paid every month and are giving me their support could feel a little betrait...and that’s not fair

So I’m gonna start deleting old pages of both comics, maybe pages from 2+ months ago or so. So when the comics get to an end people could pay around 6$ for a special tier and see an specific post with the full comic. If you paid the month the comic finish you will obviously have access to the last page so don’t worry for that, you’ll not have to pay extra.

Hope you guys understand it, I do it just for the people that really supports my art cause I feel I should treat them the best I can 🙂


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