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「另異新聞」:美國政府將在6月1日將披露UFO詳細報告之際,又有政府UFO片段外洩,美國一名網友近日在網上分享一段UFO影片,又成為熱話。他聲稱,國防部發言人高夫(Sue Gough)證實,該片段由美國海軍拍攝,但未有透露拍攝地點和時間。

科貝爾(Jeremy Corbell)是熱衷追尋外星文明的電影製作人,他近日分享的1分鐘長影片中可見,一個球形的黑色不明飛行物體在地平線上方出現,盤旋在半空,其後在畫面中不斷移動,就如經典電子遊戲遊戲「Pong」的乒乓球般不斷移動,最後墜入海中。此時,片中可聽到有男聲驚呼:「哇,它濺起水來了!」




Leaked Video Shows UFO Flying Around Navy Ship Near San Diego

In a new, leaked video, what appears to be a UFO flies around a Navy ship off the coast of San Diego before suddenly disappearing after flying into the water. NBC’s Gadi Schwartz reports for TODAY. » Subscribe to TODAY: http://on.today.com/SubscribeToTODAY » Watch the latest from TODAY: http://bit.ly/LatestTODAY About: TODAY brings you the latest headlines and expert tips on money, health and parenting. We wake up every morning to give you and your family all you need to start your day. If it matters to you, it matters to us. We are in the people business. Subscribe to our channel for exclusive TODAY archival footage & our original web series. Connect with TODAY Online! Visit TODAY's Website: http://on.today.com/ReadTODAY Find TODAY on Facebook: http://on.today.com/LikeTODAY Follow TODAY on Twitter: http://on.today.com/FollowTODAY Follow TODAY on Instagram: http://on.today.com/InstaTODAY #UFO #USNavy #TODAY



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