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根據日本媒體「ねとらぼ」報導,喜歡探索世界各地奇妙景點的youtuber「Fearless & Far」,日前訪問一座位於土耳其的「鬼鎮」。此處有著高達732棟如城堡的房屋,還有疑似作為購物中心的巨大建築,本來應該是個讓人踏入就彷彿置身於童話故事般的夢幻小鎮。

然而,2014年開始建造這區的開發商Sarot Group,因受到景氣下滑影響,本來有意置產的阿拉伯買主們紛紛撤資,導致建案不得不中止,Sarot日後更是走向破產一途,這一大堆歐風城堡就這麼廢棄在這裡。

Fearless & Far團隊走進內部拍攝,發現這些蓋到一半的城堡,裡頭充滿著裸露的鋼筋、長久未整理的斑駁痕跡、尚未裝飾的旋轉樓梯等等,和華麗的外觀形成極大的反差。讓這些看遍世界珍奇的youtuber,也連連驚呼「難以置信」、「在我旅遊生涯,沒看過像這樣的東西」。



Inside a GHOST TOWN of Abandoned Disney Castles

Here's the Ultimate F&F Location Map! https://fearlessandfar.mykajabi.com/getthemap This is Burj al Babas, a ghost town of abandoned Disney castles in Turkey. A $200 Million dollar Village falling to pieces. It's a development project gone wrong. Starting in the 2014, the ideas was to build 732 Renaissance Style Villas to appeal to rich investors in the Middle East. Originally 350 of the 587 kitsch villas were bought in the first phase. At 500,000 Dollars each (400,000 Euro), these investors were buying into a fantasy life, a Disney Land perfect paradise. Each home with a jacuzzi on each floor, an elevator, and a thermal spa. The complex housing 3 lakes, a shopping mall, mosque, pool, and golf course. The first tenants were expected summer 2020. It sounded too good to be true... It was. Enter the Turkish real estate crisis. Enter the Cheesiness of it all. The company went bankrupt. The place fell to ruin. And now we're here to explore. The very first group to get inside in years. #Abandoned #Travel #Turkey ----------------------------------------­­­--------------------------------------­-­-­--------------- ♥ Friends ♥ Check out these crazy Latvians! Nils https://www.instagram.com/alternative_traveller/ Maris https://www.instagram.com/marissaulits/ ----------------------------------------­­­--------------------------------------­-­-­--------------- ♫ Music ♫ The BEST place for music. For real though. Musicbed is the place. Free 30 day trial here: http://share.mscbd.fm/fearlessandfar ----------------------------------------­­­--------------------------------------­-­-­--------------- ☎ Say Hi Here ☎ ✧ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/fearlessandfar ✧ Tweetz: http://www.twitter.com/fearlessandfar ✧ Facebook Fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/fearlessandfar ----------------------------------------­­­--------------------------------------­-­-­--------------- Chase Your Fears 🐉



如果想當豪宅賣, 又起得太密質質完全冇豪門大宅氣派, 阿拉伯有錢佬應該覺得被騙, 如果想當普通樓賣, 外形又太戇居


如果想一夜賣晒,只要送全屋裝修(可以立即住),送居留權. 靚過壽山村,匡湖居,嘉湖山莊,等等


732 太多了吧





Lau Wah
