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For this week's bonus, it's full-court press of useless tech: reactionaries' trying and failing to turn Elon Musk's ultra gen X large language model transphobic; Wes Streeting getting dazzled by an app in Singapore, and a surveillance tech company riding the wave of teen vape interdiction and kicking people out of public housing. The name of the podcast isn't ironic. 


Gary McCammon

*imagining military teachers* "Do you see that tree over there?" "YES SARGENT TEACHER!" "Run to it and back! HUSTLE!" "YES SARGENT TEACHER!" (Kids run to tree, keep going) Sgt. Teacher: "Shit... they never do that in the service..."

Gary McCammon

Alt Right: Upon this Grok we will build our church! Grok: No you don't, either


GROKTOR HOUSE??? Unbelievable that milo got nothing from that