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Paris Marx of Tech Won't Save Us joins the gang to delve into the past of Elon Musk to explain his present day fascinations and oddities. We all know about the Emerald Mine, but how many of us know about the staircase kicking, or the baffling chiropractic grandfather?



Others have commented, but the frustrating thing is Musk *is* into Iain M. Banks, or at least he's referenced The Culture series a number of times, including in an interview about AI where he talked about in the future, machines doing all the work and humans having to try to find meaning outside that. He's just somehow managed to not absorb a single moral or theme from Banks, cause he seems to think (or at least say) if we make this fantastical AI like in the books, then we'll have a utopia like in the books. But even in the books, there are other societies with all the same tech, yet they're total dystopias. The explicitly stated point is that the utopia has always been possible, choosing radically egalitarian, universally transgender and polyamorous, unrestrainedly compassionate anarcho-communism is what came FIRST, then the shiny toys came after. Yet all of that, and the fact that every character from the Culture would variously despise him as a billionaire, seems to go right over Musk's head


Welsh train station number of Ls 🤌