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For this month's first Britainology, we're learning about Wales--the history, the language, its relationship to the United Kingdom, the strange exploits of the one-man Welsh IRA--and in order to do so, we're joined by James Griffiths, the Hong Kong correspondent for the Toronto Globe and Mail, and also the author of "Speak Not: Empire, Identity, and the Politics of Language." 

Check out James's book here! https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/speak-not-9781786999665/


Grumpy Bowlart

Rwy’n croesawu annibyniaeth i Gymru, ond yn credu y dylem fynd ymhellach a gwahanu Dugiaeth Cernyw i’w gwladwriaeth newydd. I welcome Welsh independence, but believe we should go further and scede the Duchy of Cornwall to their new state. I use Google translate so let's hope I'm close


Really enjoy the deep dives into history and it's connection to/impact on the present and possible future implications. As fun as the nonsense is, this more serious discussion type of episode is much more meaningful to me and the episodes I remember. Even if the topic is not as niche, just going through How Did We Get Here is incredibly helpful in understanding our world and our options moving forward. Excellent episode, fantastic topic, and wonderful guest. Wish it went longer; it felt like 10 minutes when you gave the 1-hour reminder!!


It is interesting to hear about the development of the welsh language, here in the German north the language of „Plattdeutsch“ went through a similar progress of decline, with the difference that there aren’t any large scale government attempts to preserve it. At this point it is just spoken in small rural villages and among the old.


Pwyll Pot and the Cymru Rouge has a powerful Milo Brendan O'Neill bit energy.


I agree with Milo's take on independence vs. unity, and it is a big problem here in Hawai'i where the sovereignty movement distracts from the solidarity required to solve the material conditions of people regardless of ethnic and cultural background.