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For this month's second Britainology, Nate and Milo viewed the second installment of the Up series, entitled SEVEN PLUS SEVEN, which aired in 1970. The BBC's control group of children are now fourteen years old and already on the path towards being  stock characters, but there are also some odd surprises. We hope you enjoy!




Loving these. Please defo do the whole series


On the lingering bullying psychosis thing, it's definitely still a part of peoples' lives growing up in the UK. Went to secondary during the 2010s, none of my bullying was physical & I wasn't the most bullied by a long way; still pretty hard to not get hung up on certain things that people did or said (though I react to it a lot better nowadays). Sometimes it felt like the adults leaned into it for the sake of a "proper" growing up experience, one kid who got it way worse went through a year long period of getting harassed by every bully including P.E teachers to such an extent it gave the rest of us a break. It's a massive problem, basically unrecognised by the education system. Dread to think of how kids get treated these days, Patterning is/was an extreme variation on happy slapping and I'm very glad I grew up in the infancy of Snapchat usage.