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This week, Riley, Milo, Hussein, and Alice join special guest Shanti Singh for her second-ever appearance on TF, to discuss recent recall campaigns and dark money activism funded through San Francisco's intensely authoritarian libertarian VC guys. However, before we can talk about that, we have to talk about a startup that wants to build sea pods, presumably so that you can pay rent to a sealord.



The startup reminds me of the Thunder Horse PDQ, which almost sank in the Gulf of Mexico during hurricane Dennis. The automatic ballast system failed and when they returned to the platform it was listing at a severe angle: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thunder_Horse_PDQ . So I'm not that confident that a startup is going to make it work.


Update on the sea pods https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatLookedExpensive/comments/xwxlk8/15_million_floating_home_prototype_sinks_into_the/ The prototype sunk.