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This week, it's Hussein, Nate, and Alice discussing the 1985 Terry Gilliam movie BRAZIL, why we feel obligated to watch it, why we think it really dislikes women, and why it somehow managed to nail one thing: the cops.


Cate Kneale

I did used to like this film but hearing you speak about it has made me realise just how much its rooted in the 80s and Thatcherism. There really was a hatred of nationalised industries, of unions, of "unearnt" social superiority, of red tape, and crap British manufacturing. But they didn't know we were going to sell every national asset and end up with everything being worse, which is funny. The attitude to cosmetic surgery is also very reminiscent of Tom Wolfe's social x-rays and the sneering at rich republican women for starving and tweaking themselves. Which is the wrong reason to criticise them. I really like Terry Gilliam's aesthetic but he does often leave a nasty taste. So, Twelve Monkeys then?


Monty Python britianology when?


Or maybe it's not needed as hear Nate's full decortication lol