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It's the free one!

This week, Riley, Milo, Nate, and Alice react to new developments from UK politics (it’s wedge week!) and the crypto world, where discussions are taking place to encourage central banks to help unwind stablecoins. What does that mean? Well, it means free money, more scamming, and no time spent on explaining the actual use case–there isn’t one.

As mentioned in the show notes, there’s a fundraiser for the 9 people arrested during a recent Stop Deportations action in Uxbridge. Please contribute here if you can! https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-stop-deportations



I think it would be fair of me to disclose that as the internet man was setting up cabling at my new place and i was resetupping the wifi i set the SSID to SoftBank and the pword to MasayoshiSon and thats 100% because of you. So if any one of you pass by and sees it, just hop in for a sec and enjoy the fiber!


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