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It's the free one!

Riley, Alice, and Milo look at the ongoing descent of the UK pundit class into embodying the global death drive, and take a look at a story of a certain kind of British Guy achieving apotheosis (spending £218 of Bolton Council's money meant for excluded children at the Spar in Praia du Luz in Portugal). In between, Riley talks to academic Thea Riofrancos about why "onshoring" mining is all the rage now that the world's security and energy orders have both been thrown into disarray.

The interview with Thea starts at 23:16 and ends at 53:45!

Read Thea’s article on mining here (paywalled): https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/02/07/renewable-energy-transition-critical-minerals-mining-onshoring-lithium-evs-climate-justice/



perfect ending, no notes


been a good while since the last ep that gave me a good pretext to say it again but: ban all cars