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This week, we've brought on Noah Suarez-Sikes (@noahpasaran) from the DSA Los Angeles-Hollywood Labor group. We discuss unionisation drives in Hollywood, why capital concentration is making films worse, the conditions for non-star workers in the US film industry, and an app that's going to redefine your biological age. It is a good time!


Rosalind Northey

Milo's little ABEEEEAUUUUBEAUUU...kill yourself is one of the best reactions I've ever heard to the start up segment


Your humanity score? What is this app, the Gom Jabbar?


"Ever sift sand through a screen?" The tangential slash of her question shocked Paul's mind into a higher state of awareness. Sand through a screen. He nodded. "We Bene Gesserit sift people to find the entrepreneurs, influencers and wellness advocates"