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This week, Riley, Milo, and Alice join special guest Owen Hatherley (@owenhatherley) of Tribune Magazine to discuss Barratt Homes: what is the deal with new-build housing in the UK? Why is it of such uniformly bad quality? And why has this become pretty much the only real new construction of homes in this country? Also in this episode: another re-discovered song from Johannes Vonk and the Clogheads.

Owen’s new collection Clean Living Under Difficult Circumstances: Finding a Home in the Ruins of Modernism is available from Verso Books here: https://www.versobooks.com/books/3789-clean-living-under-difficult-circumstances



pedant's corner: isn't the icc from the 90s

Noblesse Oblahaj

Love that only five minutes into it Alice is laughing so hard she's experienced a total loss of self