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(This is 'The Free One', posted early for our beloved patrons)

Ed and Jathan from This Machine Kills (@machinekillspod) are back to discuss another titan of the tech industry. Amazon's annual leader to shareholders has been released, and in it they advance a sort of inverse labour theory of value (who can be surprised!), with hilarious results. It's scale is now approaching a level that is hard to comprehend, so come with us across the event horizon. But first, we discuss Labour's performance in the elections and the leadership's steadfast ability to not learn anything.

*MILO ALERT* Check out Milo’s live stand-up show (to be streamed over Zoom!) on May 30th here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/milo-edwards-pindos-tickets-152386986579



Great episode! Regarding Alice's callout on Ayn Rand and trains, sn episode on the wierdness of Randian thought would be great! Just think: a novel that ends with a three hour monologue that everyone stops to listen to over a hacked radio frequency that explains (but doesn't) everything that is sociopolitical followed by a rescue mission that succeeds because socialism turns everyone into Boridan's Ass; a novel that is about how awesome capitalists are, but whose heroes all have job roles that are wierdly connected to how the things (are idealised as being) on the factory floor, which are nevertheless identified with by the kind of financial hucksters talked about on the show; an ethos that is entirely based on reason in which smoking cigarettes is a positive virtue, but homosexuality and Monet paintings are bad just because (but rational, trust me on this); a film series dedicated to Rand's magnum opus about the ubermenschen that uses three different casts and in which the quality overall diminishes sharply from a very low base to create an even less coherent representation of an incoherent story; the Greenspan connection; 'The Collective'; the fact that Atlas Shrugged is promoted by several US school districts nowadays despite the hostility of Rand to goverment money (in AS a Randian hero (tm) throws someone down some stairs for offering them a state sponsored loan).

Oliver Cant

I have often said for years now, Amazon is basically becoming Shinra from FF7. And with the added bonus of shape-shifting like an Eldrich horror.